It may come as a surprise, but women actually make more growth hormone than men do. The production of estrogen is positively correlated with levels of human growth hormone (HGH). The more estrogen that is circulating in the body, the more growth hormone is produced.
Simply stated, women need HGH. It is all too common for women after age 30 (especially once they hit menopause) to observe changes in their body. The skin loses its tone and elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles appear, bone density diminishes, strength and physical tolerance diminishes, the energy begins to sap, the immune system and defense mechanisms get weakened, body fat increases; particularly, around the abdomen, libido diminishes, vaginal dryness occurs and the mental make-up and mood gets affected.
This brings up a great question, “What can women do when HGH takes a nosedive?” The answer is easy – Sytropin. It’s a safe alternative to help boost your HGH levels naturally.
Sytropin – The Leading HGH Supplement for Women!